Senin, 30 Maret 2015

Computer-assisted language learning (CALL)


Computer – Assisted Language Learning (CALL) is an approach to language teaching and learning in which computer technology is used as an aid to the presentation, reinforcement and assessment of material to be learned, usually including a substantial interactive element. (

In modernized areas of the world, almost every aspect of people’s lives is affected in some way by computers. If you rely on retirement income, disability checks from government, tax and insurance refunds, or a host of other such payments, your receiving them is dependent on computers. If you are an employee, chances are that your payroll checks are computerized. Computers keep track of money deposited in banking institutions and the interest paid. They control countless devices in modern homes, such as those that generate electricity or purify water. They are a boon to doctors, clinics and hospitals in diagnosing health problems – and saving lives. Computers are used to monitor weather conditions and to keep airplanes from colliding in the air.
Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) studies the role and the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in second/foreign language learning and teaching. It includes a wide range of activities spanning materials and courseware development, pedagogical practice and research.
Typical CALL programs present a stimulus to which the learner must respond. The stimulus may be presented in any combination of text, still images, sound, and motion video. The learner responds by typing at the keyboard, pointing and clicking with the mouse, or speaking into a microphone. The computer offers feedback, indicating whether the learner’s response is right or wrong, and in the more sophisticated CALL programs, attempting to analyse the learner’s response and to pinpoint errors. Branching to help and remedial activities is a common feature of CALL programs.

Advantages and disadvantages of CALL
Many educators indicate that the current computer technology has many advantages for second language learning. The following are the advantages as stated by many experts:
♦       Interest and motivation
Classical language teaching in classroom can be monotonous, boring, and even frustrating, and students can loose interest and motivation in learning. CALL programmers can provide student ways to learn English through Computer-assisted language learning (CALL)
 computer games, animated graphics, and problem-solving techniques which can make drills more interesting (Ravichandran 2000).
♦       Individualization
CALL allows learners to have non-sequential learning habit; they can decide on their own which skills to develop and which course to use, as well as the speed and level by their own needs.
♦       A compatible learning style
Students have different style of learning, and an incompatible style for students will cause serious conflicts to them. Computer can provide an exciting “fast” drill for one student and “slow” for another.
♦       Optimal use of learning time
The time flexibility of using computer enables students to choose appropriate timing for learning. Winter (1997) in Kiliçkaya (2007) stressed the importance of flexible learning, learning anywhere, anytime, anyhow, and anything you want, which is very true for the web-based instruction and CALL. Learners are given a chance to study and review the materials as many times they want without limited time.
♦       Immediate feedback
Students receive maximum benefit from feedback only if it is given immediately. A delayed positive feedback will reduce the encouragement and reinforcement, and a delayed negative feedback affect the crucial knowledge a student must master. Computer can give instant feedback and help the students ward off his misconception at the very first stage. Brown (1997) in Kiliçkaya (2007) listed the advantages of CALL as giving immediate feedback, allowing students at their own pace, and causing less frustration among students.
♦       Error analysis
Computer database can be used by teacher to classify and differentiate the type of general error and error on account of the influence of the first language. A computer can analyze the specific mistakes that students made and can react in different way from the usual teacher, which make students able to make self-correction and understand the principle behind the correct solution. (Ravichandran, 2007)
♦       Guided and repetitive practice
Students have freedom of expression within certain bounds that programmers create, such as grammar, vocabulary, etc. They can repeat the course they want to master as many as they wish. According to Ikeda (1999) in Kiliçkaya (2007), drill-type CALL materials are suitable for repetitive practice, which enable students to learn concepts and key elements in a subject area.
♦       Pre-determined to process syllabus
Computer enhances the learning process from a pre-determined syllabus to an emerging or process syllabus. For example, a monotonous paper exercise of ‘fill-in-the-blanks’ type can be made more exciting on the screen in the self-access mode, and students can select their own material. Therefore, CALL facilitates the synthesis of the pre-planned syllabus and learner syllabuses “through a decision-making process undertaken by teacher and learners together” (Breen 1986 in Ravichandran 2000).

Disadvantages of CALL
Although there are many advantages of computer, the application of current computer technology still has its limitations and disadvantages.
•        Less-handy equipment.
According to Ansel et al (1992) in Hartoyo (2006, 31), the CAL program is different from traditional books that can be carried around and studied wherever and whenever they wish: on a train, at home, in the middle of the night, and so on. School computers or language laboratory can only be accessed in restricted hours, so CALL program only benefits people who have computers at home or personal notebook. 
•        Increased educational costs.
Gips, DiMattia, and Gips (2004) in Lai (2006) indicated that CALL will increase educational cost, since computers become a basic requirement for students to purchase, and low-budget school and low income students cannot afford a computer
•        Lack of trained teachers.
It is necessary for teachers and students to have basic technology knowledge before applying computer technology in second language teaching and learning. Therefore, computers will only benefit those who are familiar with computer technology (Roblyer 2003 in Lai 2006).
•        Imperfect current CALL programs
At present, the software of CALL mainly deals with reading, listening, and writing skills. There are some speaking programs have been developed recently, but their functions are still limited. Warschauer (2004) in Lai (2006) stated that a program should ideally be able to understand a user’s spoken input and evaluate it not just for correctness but also for ‘appropriatness’. Speaking program should be able to diagnose a learner’s problem with pronunciation, syntax, or usage and then intelligently decide among a range of options.
•        Inability to handle unexpected situations
The learning situation that a second-language learner faces are various and ever changing. Computers merely have artificial intelligence, and it cannot deal with learner’s unexpected learning problem or response to learner’s questions immediately as teachers do. Blin (1994) in Lai (2006) stated that computer technology with that degree do not exist, and are not expected to exist quite a long time. In other words, today’s computer technology and its language learning programs are not yet intelligent enough to be truly interactive.
CALL has certain advantages and disadvantages and  teachers should know the strengths and weaknesses in applying CALL in ESL classrooms. In the end, we can avoid the mistake in employing CALL program and get the maximum benefit for our ESL teaching and learning.

ICT First Quiz Result

Senin, 23 Maret 2015

ICT in Education

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) can contribute to universal access to education, equity in education, the delivery of quality learning and teaching, teachers’ professional development and more efficient education management, governance and administration.

The field of education has been affected by ICTs, which have undoubtedly affected teaching, learning and research (Yusuf, 2005). ICT increases the flexibility of delivery of education so that learners can access knowledge anytime and from anywhere. It can influence the way students are taught and how they learn as now the processes are learner driven and not by teachers. This in turn would better prepare the learners for lifelong learning as well as to improve the quality of learning.
Access to information and communication technology (ICT) in education can help individuals compete in a global economy by creating a skilled workforce and facilitating social mobility. Policymakers emphasise that ICT in education has a multiplier effect throughout the education system, by:
  • enhancing learning and providing students with new sets of skills;
  • reaching students with poor or no access (especially in rural and remote regions);
  • facilitating and improving the training of teachers;
  • minimising costs associated with the delivery of traditional instruction; and
  • improving the administration of schools in order to enhance the quality and efficiency of service delivery.
 In teaching learning process there are also ways to make it more interesting of course by using ICT. We can use like, for example :
1.     1.  Wallwisher
Wallwisher is a simple in usage and effective tool easily integrated with traditional language course. Some time ago it was challenging and time consuming for teachers to prepare motivating communicative tasks. Nowadays ICT tools provide us with a vast variety of opportunities to evolve students. Undoubtedly, Wallwisher is among such bright tools. You can’t overdo with it. This online notice board maker suits both for class activities and homework. You need neither registration nor special skills to create your own notice board.

2.     2.  Prezi
Prezi is a U.S. software company, producing a cloud-based presentation software and storytelling tool for presenting ideas on a virtual canvas. The product employs a Zooming User Interface, which allows users to zoom in and out of their presentation media, and allows users to display and navigate through information within a 2.5D or parallax 3D space on the Z-axis. 

Sabtu, 14 Maret 2015

Resume Multimedia and Internet

  Multimedia and Internet

  Nowadays, technology is a common thing we have to know if we want to be successful person. Modern technology provides the sophisticated tools in form of hardware or software. The most well-known way is that by using internet. The role of internet through multimedia in learning foreign language is very important. By using multimedia in form of such as pictures, text, graphic, videos, or records teachers can challenge their students to participate actively. For instance, usage of e-mail in part of discussion list. Usage multimedia in school setting is also effective to make students interest with their lesson, not only English lesson but also it can be math, science, biology, etc. Since in internet provides lots of various web that can be used as the sources in teaching beside books. However, usage multimedia in foreign learning requires the ability of students and teachers. They have to comprehend in operating computer system, especially internet one. The students are also have to be guided well, if it is not they can use the internet in the wrong way.
  The other things we can do through in internet is e-commerce or electronic commerce. We can do such activity like communication as a seller and buyer by offering something to sell, online banking, online office suites, shopping cart  software, electronic tickets, etc. Those kind of things are done by online. Anyone who can connect to internet can do those activity. Next is about HTML or Hyper Text Mark up Language. It is the basic building-blocks of webpages. It allows allows images and objects to be embedded and can be used to create interactive forms. Without html, a website will not be informative,presentable and cannot be recognized. Then is about Hypertext. It is like an information as a linked network of nodes which readers are free to browse. We as the user can directly go the content of links we want. Almost same next is about hypertext and hyper media. It is about  Web pages and other kinds of on-screen content that employ hyperlinks. It is also about  the presentation of video, animation, and audio, which are often referred to as “dynamic” or “time based” content or as “multimedia”. Hypermedia is the generalization of hypertext to include other kinds of media: images, audio clips and video clips are typically supported in addition to text.
  After having the things above the next one is that we have to know about management information system. It is very important to business. It is where the input, process and output take place. It serves as a guide for business workers to be responsible enough in making decisions and performing their jobs.