Rabu, 31 Desember 2014

Translate from wtc and the examples

The following are the different translation procedures that Newmark (1988b) proposes:
  • Transference: it is the process of transferring an SL word to a TL text. It includes transliteration and is the same as what Harvey (2000:5) named "transcription."
Example           1. My uncle works as supervisor in that company :Pamankubekerjasebagaisupervisor di perusahanity
2. Jack is a master in mathematic : Jack adalahseorang master di matematika.
  • Naturalization: it adapts the SL word first to the normal pronunciation, then to the normal morphology of the TL. (Newmark, 1988b:82)
Example          1.psychology = psikologi
                        2.photo            = foto
  • Cultural equivalent: it means replacing a cultural word in the SL with a TL one. however, "they are not accurate" (Newmark, 1988b:83)
Example          1. Mini baseball = kasti
                        2.pedicab            = becak
  • Functional equivalent: it requires the use of a culture-neutral word. (Newmark, 1988b:83)
Example          1.Hanbok (Korea)                   = Kebaya
                        2.Sambrero (Meksiko) = Blankon
  • Descriptive equivalent:in this procedure the meaning of the CBT is explained in several words. (Newmark, 1988b:83)
Example          1.Panettone = the traditional cookies from Italy that we can eat in every new year party
                        2.BirPletok = the traditional drinks from Betawi that’s mnde by ginger
  • Componential analysis: it means "comparing an SL word with a TL word which has a similar meaning but is not an obvious one-to-one equivalent, by demonstrating first their common and then their differing sense components." (Newmark, 1988b:114)
Example          1.
  • Synonymy: it is a "near TL equivalent." Here economy trumps accuracy. (Newmark, 1988b:84)
Example          1.Smart  = clever = brainy
                        2.honest = fair = frank = truthful
  • Through-translation: it is the literal translation of common collocations, names of organizations and components of compounds. It can also be called: calque or loan translation. (Newmark, 1988b:84)
Example          1. Normal school = sekolah normal
                        2.Manchester University = Universitas Manchester
  • Shifts or transpositions: it involves a change in the grammar from SL to TL, for instance, (i) change from singular to plural, (ii) the change required when a specific SL structure does not exist in the TL, (iii) change of an SL verb to a TL word, change of an SL noun group to a TL noun and so forth. (Newmark, 1988b:86)
Example          1. Children = our children
                        2.succeed = success
  • Modulation: it occurs when the translator reproduces the message of the original text in the TL text in conformity with the current norms of the TL, since the SL and the TL may appear dissimilar in terms of perspective. (Newmark, 1988b:88)
Example          1.Youre going to have a nephew  =andaakanjaditante
2.The laws of Germany govern this Agreement. = Perjanjian ini diatur oleh hokum Jerman.
  • Recognized translation: it occurs when the translator "normally uses the official or the generally accepted translation of any institutional term." (Newmark, 1988b:89)
Example          1. United Kingdom = Britannia
                        2.Uni Soviet = USSR (Uni Soviet Socialist Republic)
  • Compensation: it occurs when loss of meaning in one part of a sentence is compensated in another part. (Newmark, 1988b:90)
Example          1.Vengeance is mine!àSaatnyabalasdendam
                        2.have a good time ! = bersenang-senanglah !
  • Paraphrase: in this procedure the meaning of the CBT is explained. Here the explanation is much more detailed than that of descriptive equivalent. (Newmark, 1988b:91)
Example          1.
  • Couplets: it occurs when the translator combines two different procedures. (Newmark, 1988b:91)
Example          1.
  • Notes: notes are additional information in a translation. (Newmark, 1988b:91)
Example          1.PS : Milky Way is a galaxy = NB : BimaSaktiadalahsebuah galaxy
2.Spoiler : Fast and Furious 7 will be display on 2015 = Bocoran : Fust and Furious akantayangpadatahun 2015

Metaphor, Simile, and Allusion

A metaphor is a comparison between two things that share a common characteristic. One thing is equal to another because it has this characteristic. For example :
Sebuah metafora adalah perbandingan antara dua hal yang menunjukkan hal-hal biasa. Satu hal yang sama dengan yang lain karena metafora memiliki karakternya sendiri. Contohnya :
 “You are my sunshine,” just like the sun brings warmth and happiness to someone’s day; you do the same, by bringing happiness to someone’s day. You are sunshine because you share the characteristic of making someone happy. A metaphor is a stronger image than a simile; and makes the reader feel or see something to help them understand it. It states that something is equal to something else; it is not just a comparison between two things.
“Kamu adalah kebahagiaanku,” ini sepertinya halnya matahari yang membawa kehangatan dan kebahagiaan di kehidupan orang lain; kamu melakukan hal yang sama, dengan membawa kebahagiaan di kehidupan orang lain. Kamu adalah kebahagiaan karena kamu menjelaskan suatu hal dengan membuat seseorang bahagia. Sebuah metafora lebih kuat daripada simile; dan membuat pembacanya seolah dapat merasa dan melihat sesuatu untuk membantu mereka mengerti. Ini menyatakan sesuatu yang sama dengan sesuatu yang lainnya; ini tidak hanya tentang perbandingan dua hal yang berbeda.
  1. My brother was boiling mad. (This implies he was too angry.)
  2. The assignment was a breeze. (This implies that the assignment was not difficult.)
  3. It is going to be clear skies from now on. (This implies that clear skies are not a threat and life is going to be without hardships)
  4. The skies of his future began to darken. (Darkness is a threat; therefore, this implies that the coming times are going to be hard for him.)
  5. Her voice is music to his ears. (This implies that her voice makes him feel happy)
1.      Kakak ku sedang mendidih. (Ini menunjukkan dia terlalu marah)
2.      Tugas ini seperti angin sepoi-sepoi. (Ini menunjukkan bahwa tugas itu tidak sulit)
3.      Mulai sekarang langit akan menjadi lebih cerah. (Ini menunjukkan bahwa langit bukanlah ancaman dan kehidupan yang tanpa penderitaan.)
4.      Langit masa depannya mulai gelap. (kegelapan adalah sesuatu yang mengancam; sehingga, ini menunjukkan bahwa waktu yang akan datang akan sulit baginya.)
5.      Suaranya adalah musik bagi telinganya. (Ini menunjukkan bahwa suaranya adalah kebahagiaan baginya.)
  • Our soldiers are as brave as lions.
  • Her cheeks are red like a rose.
  • He is as funny as a monkey.
  • The water well was as dry as a bone.
  • He is as cunning as a fox.
·         Pasukan tentara kita seberani para singa.
·         Pipinya merah seperti setangkai bunga mawar.
·         Dia lucu selucu seekor monyet.
·         Air di sumur itu sekering tulang.
·         Dia selicik seekor kancil.

The use allusions are not confined to literature alone. Their occurrence is fairly common in our daily speech. Look at some common allusion examples in everyday life:
Penggunaan kata-kata sindiran tidak terpaku hanya pada karya sastra. Hal seperti ini sangat umum terjadi dalam percakapan kita sehari-hari. Perhatikan beberapa contoh sindiran yang umum kita gunakan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari :

  • “Don’t act like a Romeo in front of her.”
– “Romeo” is a reference to Shakespeare’s Romeo, a passionate lover of Juliet, in “Romeo and Juliet”.

·         “Jangan bertingkah seperti Romeo di depannya.”
-“Romeo” adalah tokoh karya Shakespeare, seorang yang sangat mencintai Juliet, dalam cerita “Romeo dan Juliet.”

  • The rise in poverty will unlock the Pandora’s box of crimes.
– This is an allusion to one of Greek Mythology’s origin myth, “Pandora’s box”.
  • “This place is like a Garden of Eden.”
–This is a biblical allusion to the “garden of God” in the Book of Genesis.
  • “Hey! Guess who the new Newton of our school is?”
– “Newton”, means a genius student, alludes to a famous scientist Isac Newton.
"Hai! Tebak siapa Newton baru di sekolah kita?
- "Newton", berarti seorang murid yang genius, yang terkenal dengan Isac Newton.
  • “Stop acting like my ex-husband please.”
– Apart from scholarly allusions we refer to common people and places in our speech.

 "Berhenti bertingkah seperti mantan suamiku,"
- Hal ini sama halnya dengan pengertian umum di bahasa keseharian kita.

Selasa, 25 November 2014

Types of Translation

Name                    : Desy Pergerina
Nim                       : 2201412024
Rombel                                : Translation 403
Types of Translation
Jenis-jenis Terjemahan
According to Larson (1984: 15)
Menurut Larson (1984: 15)
         Translation is classified into two main types, namely form-based translation and meaning-based translation.
         Terjemahan dibedakan menjadi dua jenis, yaitu terjemahan berdasarkan bentuk dan terjemahan berdasarkan arti.
         Forms-based translation attempts to follow the form of the source language (SL) and it is known as literal translation.
         Terjemahan berdasarkan bentuk bahasa berupaya mengikuti bentuk bahasa sumber dan jenis disebut terjemahan literal atau terjemahan harafiah.
         Meaning-based translation makes every effort to communicate the meaning of the SL text in the natural forms of the receptor language. Such translation is called idiomatic translation.
         Terjemahan berdasarkan makna berupaya mengomunikasikan teks bahasa sumber ke dalam beberapa bentuk bahasa sasaran/ penerima yg asli atau alamiah. Jenis terjemahan seperti ini disebut terjemahan idiomatic.

According to Catford (1978: 21)
Menurut Catford (198: 21)
         Based on the extent, the types of translation are:
            1)         Full translation, it is a type of translation
                        in which the entire SL text is reproduced by the TL text materials.
2)  Partial translation, there are only some parts of the SL text to be translated into the TL text.

·         Secara luas, jenis terjemahan dibedakan menjadi :
1.      Full translation, adalah jenis terjemahan yang menerjemahan teks secara keseluruhan dari bahasa sumber ke dalam bahasa sasaran.
2.      Partial translation, jenis terjemahan ini hanya beberapa bagian dari teks bahsa sumber yang diterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa sasaran.

·         In terms of level, the types of translation are:
            1)         Total translation, the TL material replaces all levels of the SL text.
      2)         Restricted translation, it is the replacement of SL textual material with        equivalent TL material at only one level; whether at the phonological level,      graphological level, or at the level of grammar and lexis.
·         Dari segi level, jenis terjemahan dibedakan menjadi :
1.      Total translation, berarti bahwa bahasa sasaran menggantikan semua tingkatan bahasa sumber dalam sebuah teks.
2.      Restricted translation, yaitu penggantian materi bacaan dari bahasa sumber dengan materi bahasa sasaran yang sepadan pada satu tingkatan saja; baik dari sisi tingkatan phonological, graphological, ataupun grammar dan lexis.

·         In terms of rank, translation is divided into:
1)   Rank-bound translation, it means that            the selection of TL text equivalent is limited at only one rank, such as word-  for-word equivalence, morpheme-for-            morpheme equivalence, etc.
2)  Unbounded translation, it can move    freely up and down the rank-scale.
·         Dari segi tingkatan, terjemahan dibedakan menjadi :
1.      Rank-bound translation, yaitu pemilihan padanan kata dari bahasa sasaran terbatas hanya pada satu tingkaatan saja, misalnya kesamaan kata per kata, kesamaan morfem per morfem, dll.
2.      Unbounded translation, terjemahan jenis ini dapat dengan bebas menerjemahkan sesuai dengan skala tingkatannya.

According to Brislin in Choliludin (2007: 26-30)
Menurut Brislin pada Choliludin (2007: 26-30)
         Based on the purposes of translation:
            1)         Pragmatic translation: it refers to the            translation of a message with an         interest in accuracy of the information       that was meant to be conveyed in the            SL form and it is not conveyed with other aspects of the original language          version. Example: the translation of the         information about repairing a machine.
2)         Aesthetic-poetic translation: it refers to translation in which the translator takes into account the affect, emotion, and feeling of an original version, the aesthetic form used by the original author, as well as any information in the message. Example: the translation of sonnet, rhyme, heroic couplet, dramatic dialogue, and novel.
3)         Ethnographic translation: its purpose is to explicate the cultural context of the SL and TL versions. Translators have to be sensitive to the way words are used and must know how the word fits into cultures. Example: the use of the word ‘yes’ versus ‘yeah’ in America.
4)         Linguistic translation: is concerned with equivalent meanings of the constituent morphemes of the SL and grammatical form. Example: language in a computer program and translation machine.

·         Terjemahan berdasarkan tujuan dibedakan menjadi :
1.      Pragmatic translation: adalah terjemahan dari sebuah pesan yang bertujuan agar pesan utamnya dapat tersampaikan dalam bentuk bahasa sumber dan pesan ini tidak disampaikan dengan aspek dari terjemahan bahasa aslinya. Misalnya, terjemahan informasi memperbaiki sebuah mesin.
2.      Aesthetic-poetic translation: adalah terjemahan yang penerjemahnya memasukkan aspek keaslian perasaan dan emosi, bentuk estetis digunakan oleh penulis aslinya, meskipun terdapat informasi dalam pesannya. Misalnya, terjemahan soneta, sajak, bait kepahlawanan, dialog dramatis, dan novel.
3.      Ethnographic translation: bertujuan menjelaskan terjemahan bahasa sumber dan sasaran dalam aspek budaya secara lengkap. Para penerjemah harus peka terhadap cara berbagai kata digunakan dan harus memahami cara agar dapat digunakan sesuai dengan kebudayaan. Misalnya, penggunaaan kata ‘yes’ vs ‘yeah’ di Amerika.
4.      Linguistic translation: bertujuan pada padanan pengertian dari unsur pokok morfem bahasa sumber dan bentuk tata bahasa. Misalnya, bahasa pada program komputer dan terjemahan mesin.

According to Jacobson in Leonardi (2000)
Menurut Jacobson pada Leonardi (2000)
         1) Intralingual translation (monolingual translation),
2) Interlingual translation (bilingual or multilingual translation),
3) Intersemiotic translation (verbal sign into non-verbal sign)

·         Intralingual translation (terjemahan satu bahasa)
2) Interlingual translation (terjemahan satu atau lebih dari satu bahasa)
3) Intersemiotic translation ( pertanda lisan ataupun tulis)
         Intralingual translation refers to a translation in which verbal signs are interpreted by means of other signs of the same language. It happens within the same language (monolingual)
         Intralingual translation merujuk pada terjemahan lisan yang diterjemahkan oleh pengertian pertanda lain dengan bahasa yang sama. Hal ini dapat terjadi dalam bahasa yang sama (monolingual).
         Interlingual translation is the one which refers to different languages whether it is bilingual or multilingual.
         Interlingual translation, yaitu terjemahan yang merujuk pada bahasa-bahasa yang berbeda baik dua bahasa (bilingual) ataupun banyak bahasa (multilingual).
         Intersemiotic translation refers to an interpretation of verbal signs by means of other signs of non-verbal sign systems.
         Intersemiotic translation, yaitu terjemahan yang menginterpretasikan pertanda lisan melalui arti dari sistem pertanda non lisan lainnya.